Saturday, December 10, 2016


by Tony Boyd

            The eleventh incarnation of the Poetic Justice Open Mic night brought with it a new venue. PJOM was held at the fledgling theatre called Artist Laboratory Theatre. It is a smaller, homey, more intimate venue. It’s the brainchild of Erika Wilhite and her partners to provide a neighborhood type venue to provide a diversity of artistic expression.

            Our MCs for the night were Jared Carter and Steve Toston better known as D.J. Jockstrap and Mr. Ladebac. The atmosphere was subdued. Patrons trickled in at their leisure. The MCs got the night started off by discussing how and why Umoja Soul Writers’ Group (the spearhead of Poetic Justice Open Mic night) puts on the poetry slam. One of the main purposes of PJOM is to provide an open forum for anyone to discuss their experiences with and feelings of social injustice. It can be therapeutic.

            With all of that out of the way, our first performer steps to the mic and its Jared Carter with one of his always though-provoking untitled pieces. It had no name but if you listened you could glean a sense of what he was trying to convey. In this case, I felt he was conveying the difference between the privilege of white people vs. the lack of privilege experienced by so many people of color. The sentiments he wanted to convey were conveyed as a verbally painted tapestry. So awful is social injustice.

            Not to be outdone, our other MC, Steve Toston, step to the mic to drop some knowledge and understanding. His piece was entitled “Race Was Invented for Division. He seemed to point out the stupidity and futility of race proven by science to be just a made up thing. It’s a source of so much separation, divisiveness, mistrust, and conflict. Not to say there wouldn’t be any of those things without the artificial construct of race just that they might be based in reality.

            I have been to all of the PJOM nights. I have seen some incredible performances. So when I tell you a young lady named Regina blew up the stage, you can believe me. She blew up the dang stage. Regina sang a riveting, soul-stirring, a cappella song with the assist of just one key to start called “Sadness Dismiss”. It was a touching look at the sadness of loss and the strength to face it. Her voice was so very moving inducing you to feel as she felt. I guess you can tell I was impressed by her performance. Did I point out that she was a newcomer?
            We had other poignant performances including a young gentleman by the name of Dillon who brought political discourse to the night, reflecting on the recent presidential election. Yolanda waxed poetic about Black men being in danger and the Black Lives Matter movement. Jared sprung a named piece on us called “America The Beautiful”. Here’s a hint: Its not like the song. Another newcomer, Lola B. laid bare her soul and poured out her heart to us as she spoke of her bouts of depressions and the causes behind them. It took a lot of guts to open up like that. Being able to express openly in a safe, supportive environment is one of the main things that Poetic Justice Open Mic night is about.

            Lady Jazmynne, singer, poetess, and activist, opined about what it meant to be a house n—ger vs a Uncle Tom back in the day. Then she compared it to what’s going on today. She pointed out that her perception of a 20th century House Negro is someone who feels they already have a piece of the proverbial pie and identify with the oppressor.

            The night carried on with many heartfelt revelations of heartache, pain, and childhood strife. Speakers were able to share without judgment. We also had some lively freestyle from our MCs.

            All and all it was a good night. It was an intimate gathering in an intimate setting that encouraged the participants to open up. There was a take away for each and every one of us. Thanks to Erika Wilhite and the Artist Laboratory Theatre for hosting. Be one the look out for announcements about future events.
Erika Wilhite
Jared Carter

Lady Jazmynne Matthews

Lady Jazmynne & F.L. Jones

F.L. Jones

Steve "Mr. Ladebac" Toston



By Tony Boyd

            Hello dear readers. This installment marks the tenth incarnation of the Poetic Justice Open Mic poetry slams. Yay, Poetic Justice!!! Once again it is being staged at Club Lush just off the Fayetteville Square. Our hosts tonight are Jared Carter (a PJOM staple) and newcomer host, Danette Simmons. They are introduced  by PJOM creator, Leora Jackson. Before letting the MCs take over the show,  Leora read a couple of relevant poems. The first one she read was “Ka’Ba” by Amiri Baraka and the second, “I Too Am American” by Langston Hughes.

            First up, Danette Simmons stepped to the mic to perform Oh God Forgive Me When I Whine”. This poem extols the virtue of being humble and to always appreciate what you have. Afterwards her fellow MC Jared Carter performed an original untitled piece of his own. Mr. Carter’s soul is bourne out through his written word and performance of said word. His affinity for the plight of people of color and other marginalized populations is apparent in his work.


            Lady Jazmynne (Jazmynne Matthews) ascended the stage to perform a piece of her own called “Dear White America”. In it, she discusses the dichotomies of America, how we speak of equal and fair but in reality its not equal nor fair. We preach of tolerance and acceptance but practice intolerance and exclusion. She also spoke of the myriad of issues that plague Black America and the lack of progress to resolve them. The mood of the room was one of acknowledgement of the knowledge given and weariness of the truth of her words. Following Lady Jazmynne, F. L. Jones stepped to the mic with “Psalm 23 For The Workplace” about working for God. Then Steve “Mr. Ladebac” brought his own poetic lyrical nature to the stage to perform “Hunger Pains” discussing starvation, poverty and a poor childhood. He followed that up with “Trapped” (Being trapped by life’s issues and problems) and “My Pleasure & My Love” (a love poem to his wife).


            Minet Black, a newcomer to the PJOM stage, broke us off with “The Will Of A Woman”. It was a no holds barred biographical tale of being a single parent and the difficulties of coming up on her own. She also performed a second piece entitled “Justice” about the fact that suffering injustices while seeking justice is no justice at all. A string of performances followed. F.L. Jones reprised her original “Why Can’t We Say Her Name”.  Jared Carter performed his titled piece called “The Beginning of Me” about the injustices perpetrated on Black America and the false views about us down through history.  Not stopping there, he also performed “Walking With No Hitch To Your Own Rhythm” advocating individuality and independence.


            Things switch up a little at this point because for the first time at Poetic Justice Open Mic night we are treated to the freestyle stylings of Mr. Ladebac (Steve Toston) and D..J. Jockstrap (Jared Carter). It was a crowd pleaser. Bodies were moving. Hands were clapping. Attendees were grooving. Good stuff. Afterward Lady Jazmynne stepped into the spotlight to sing “Jericho’s Wall”. The song spoke of virtues of cooperation and working together. To put it more succinctly, it was about understanding that “ a house divided can not stand”. The next song she performed was a cover of Sam Cooke’s “A Change Gone Come”, poignant in its own right but Lady Jazmynne also educated us on the short, troubled life of its originator. Mr. Cooke was killed 11 days before his most famous song was released. It was ruled a justifiable homicide.


            Another newcomer to the PJOM braved the stage. Her name was Kaylee and the poem she performed earned her an A+ at school. It’s entitled “Shattered”. “Shattered” tells the tale of a bad relationship and how great, how sweet it was to escape it. In keeping with that theme (sort of), Jared Carter performed an untitled work of his that says that love is patient. I took that to mean that love has no condition and that it doesn’t leave when the going gets tough.


            Bringing up the rear, so to speak, Minet returned to the stage to perform a couple of more pieces. The first is a personal one about hurting over a lost love but finding salvation in God and one about hiding your real self yet finding and being your real self.


            With that, PJOM X was in the history books. It lived up to its billing. It was an open mic to voice opinions, heal souls, lift spirits, fellowship and have fun. Sharing is caring, people. Up next, PJOM XI.


By Tony E. Boyd

            As I sat in Club Lush watching people slowly amble in for the poetry slam, I am struck with a sense of melancholy. Poetic Justice is an important for being a creative outlet for angst, anxiety, depression, expression, joy, beauty, and so much more. I am a little disappointed at the meager attendance numbers. I know you are out there, creatives. I know there are feelings in your heart dying to be expressed. Well, at least in my opinion.

            The night starts off with our fearless leader, Leora Jackson, doing the open. She then switches to her F.L. Jones persona to deliver a reading of Langston Hughes’ “I Too Am America” followed by another of his other famous works “Mother To Son”. Next up, Leora introduces the host, Lady Jazmynne. She is a local singer, performer, poetess, and activist. You can learn more about her at Lady Jazmynne got things started by discussing the meaning of Umoja. (If you don’t know, now would be a good time to look it up.  It will stick with you better than if I just tell you.) Afterwards, she performed an original work about current events including the devastating massacre that occurred in an Orlando nightclub and the scourge of racism.

            The meat of the show begins. Coming to the stage are brave souls willing to grace the stage and share their souls with us. First up is Jared Carter with an original piece, untitled as usual (I think it’s a style decision maybe?).  He weaves a tale of the ills of police brutality, profiling and racism. He is followed to the stage by a new to me poetess going by the stage name of “Ms. Yolanda”.  She weaved a poignant story of infidelity and its downfall. It also serves as a lesson to current and would-be “side chicks”.

            Next up, we were graced by a musician/singer who shared with us two original songs. The first was a little ditty called “Sinners” about a woman, a wife arrest for not paying child support even though she was too sick to work.  It was a passionate rendition, a bit angry if you asked me. You could tell it was a very personal piece to him.  The second song, “Never Found: Lisa’s Song” was a sad ode to a young lady who was lost and never found. As a parting shot, he put in a plug for his own upcoming open mic night.

            Leora “F.L. Jones” Jackson returns to the stage to regale us with an original piece entitled “The Blacks Will Rise”. With this piece, she expressed her sadness in the travails of Black people and pointed out the things that need to change. Not being done yet, she pulled “Why Can’t We Say Her Name” out of her bag of tricks. She engaged the audience, imploring them to say their names. Whose names you ask? She was talking about Black women who were murdered unnecessarily by police. She wanted to bring their plight to light. To drive the point home even further, she read aloud the lyrics to Michael Jackson’s “They Don’t Care About Us”. The title itself pretty much says it all.
            More musical entertainment came up next as Lady Jazmynne sang an original song written by her husband called “Coping With Life”. We all are trying to cope with something, mental, physical or emotional. She was followed onstage by Stacey “L.I.F.E.” Harper. She performed her original piece called “God Put A Rainbow In The Clouds” which was filled with life advice.  Stacey works as a life coach and can be reached through her website,

            Washaka Matthews, Lady Jazmynne’s husband, stepped up next to deliver his own original piece entitled “Awaken Within”.  It was a very ethereal piece that spoke of the absurdity of life, of holding on too tight to conventions, separations and inane rules that we abide by that hinder our happiness. His point, to me, was that life is too short to let those things keep you from your happiness.

            Things tooled along.  Jared Carter read us another of his “Untitleds” about life’s trial  and tribulations. Lady Jazmynne sang a tribute  to Michael  Jackson. We had a newcomer going by the name of Sweet McCoy who read a couple of original pieces. The first piece she read was called “Jesus Wept”. The second was called “Relationships” about ones that go bad. Ms. Yolanda returned to the stage to read her “When I Was Five, Was I Alive”. It was a tragic , heart rending poem about child molestation.  F.L. Jones returned with her original work “Oh Valentine” about one woman’s abuse, driven to murder, falling into depression and madness. Jared shared another “Untitled” about the misunderstood. Bringing up the rear, Clay Cole returned to the stage to sing “Out of Hand”, an original song about being miserable and in denial about your life.

            The night actually turned out more lively than it began. Ask anybody who performed, I believe they will tell you it was a positive experience, therapeutic even. Poetic Justice Open Mic has a theme for performers to draw from but open expression is the name of the game. If you have something to share that does not fit the theme, it’s not a deal breaker. Poetic Justice IX  was a continuation of all the others, a safe haven for open expression and acceptance.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Super Stardom at Jeffreys

It was HOLLYWOOD at Jeffreys 
Super Stars with My Cloud Limo

Super Stars at Goodwin Mansion

To say who was the first Super Star to arrive Saturday, April 9 is certainty to cause a debate and end up on the next issue of PEOPLE, Elle or Cosmopolitan. Rather, lets just say that when the limo arrived, so did our Super Stars.

Rosa Parks definitely did not wish to sit at the back of the limo! So, she rode in style and sat anywhere she pleased. Stephen Curry, Martin Luther King, President Barack Obama, Whitney Houston, Taylor Swift, and many other Stars were ready to ride to their destination.

The stars arrived at the Goodwin Mansion to take pictures and made it seem as if they were definitely arriving or leaving from a Star Studded VIP only Party in Beverly Hills 90210

Later on, the limo arrived to Jeffreys with a waiting paparazzi. The stars were guarded by our Jeffreys Bodyguard Eugene Releford (Ricky) and the UAFS Lions as they ducked into the VIP Entrance.

There, they were shuffled to the VIP Room with food, cuisines from many supporting sponsors such as Papa Johns, La Huerta, Gyros Restaurant, and Jimmy Johns. Snacks, drinks, candies, cookies and gift bag items were proudly sponsored by the Fort Smith Round Table.

The Stars fed themselves and the show started a little bit later due to technical difficulties, but we could say that Taylor, Whitney, Miley and Janet didn't mind at all about being Fashionably late.

Mr. Larry Bishop of 9th Street Church of Christ gave prayer and Mr. Jerry Glidewell provided a welcome and then it was time for our Super Stars to walk the red carpet.

Miley Cyrus (Memory Mosely,7) came up and said a remarkable supporting bio of Hannah Montana and gave audience information about the singer and also informed them that her mom is her number 1 fan and is a big supporter.
Memory Mosely (7)  as Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus

Next up was Taylor Swift (Miranda Luster, 9) who gracefully walked the carpet and said her name was Taylor Swift and that she is a Country to Pop Singer and is known for her popular song "Shake it Off". And she strutted the runway waving at the audience and almost blew kisses!
Miranda Luster (9) as Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift

Stephen Curry (Shane Morris, 11) came to the carpet and stated a few words and had to leave suddenly to receive an award at another event. Maybe the MVP award!
Shane Morris as Stephen Curry

Stephen Curry

Next up, the audience and everyone rose from their seats as they were greeted by the President of the United States,-President Barack Obama (Romeo Ross), However, the audience wasn't expecting Obama to come from a game of Golfing from the Fort Smith Golf course as he dropped in to say a few words. Nevertheless, as fast as he came in with golf shirts, shorts, cap and shoes, he then left to go back to finish his Hole in One. (I am still trying to let the president know that I haven't received a loan forgiveness of all my loans. I guess I need to write him again).

Romeo Ross (11) as President Barack Obama

President Barack Obama
Later, we had phenomenal woman to stop by to deliver a poem called "Still I Rise." Yes, Maya Angelou (Latavia Rollinson, 17) did a Phenomenal job. I hope everyone have a chance to read her book, "I know why the Caged Bird sings." Great book, great author, great poet, great woman and great student!
Latavia Rollinson as Maya Angelou, Still I Rise
Maya Angelou
Then, we had Whitney Houston (Ze'Riah Covin,7) to stop by and let us know that the Greatest Love of all is to believe in yourself. Later, the audience were thinking she would break out her song, I will Always Love You.

Ze'Riah Covin as Whitney Houston
Whitney Houston

Next up in the boxing ring, the professional Bomber Joe Louis (Leron Jackson, 7). Joe Louis meant business as he started jabbing and throwing uppercuts and hooks at the audience. Watch out their son, you and Muhammad Ali will probably start another version of Rumble in the Jungle!

Joe Louis, The Brown Bomber
Another person in sports was Keionna Jarrett, 8, who became Dominique Dawes. She entertained the audience with her flips and splits. This gymnast meant business! No wonder she won all that gold at the 1996 Olympics. Because of her, Gabby Douglas and many others can!

Keionna Jarrett as Dominque Dawes

Dominque Dawes

We switched up to music and Essence Johnson (9) as Miss Mulatto, came in to let us know that she was the next MC Lyte from Atlanta and that is why she won the Rap Game. I will be checking out this new star on the rise more closely. I would have never heard of her if this kid hadn't picked her as a Super Star. We learned a lot from these kids during this showcase.

Essence Johnson as Miss Mulatto

Miss Mulatto

Then, from the 17th century, in walked George Washington (Vincent Wells, 8) the first president of the United States. Dressed with his wig and all. First in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen. 
Vincent Wells as George Washington

George Washington

Yes, these Stars were Awesome! We had a Guest Speaker Mr. Mahan of the Fort Smith Police Department to come and talk to us about safety, and about doing good in the community and in school. 

Mr. Mahan Fort Smith Police Department

Then F. L. Jones (Leora Jackson) came to the mic to explain to kids about why knowing your history is important and to embrace it. She said a poem called "Shake the Hands" in which she emphasized that if she could have a chance or be in a time machine, she would like to go back and shake the hands of Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglas, and many more. 
Leora Jackson as F. L. Jones

 Then it was time for the other set of Stars to arrive after the last star President Washington left. We heard some more flipping and another gymnast Gabby Douglass, (Serenity Waugh, 8) was getting ready for her floor routine.

Serenity Waugh as Gabby Douglas
Gabby Douglas

Next up, the audience was in awe as this kid picked a Super Star that he admired only because of the Content of his Character and not the color of his skin. And that is exactly what Martin Luther King, Jr.(Mateo Romani,7) emphasized and he is admired by many people of many races and this kid definitely wanted to be this Super Star. 
Mateo Romani as Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr.
If there is a Martin, there must be a Rosa Parks (Patience Mims, 11), and as mentioned earlier, she didnt ride in the back of the Limo, she rode anywhere she pleased. She was definitely the Mother of the Civil Rights movement. 
Patience Mims as Rosa Parks

In the world of sports, we turn to a professional soccer player Lionel "Leo" Messi (Dimitri Thompson, 10). This guy may have had a health issue growing up, but when he is on the field, he just forgets it all and have fun doing the sport he loves. And this kid picked a soccer person I never heard of because Leo Messi is his Super Star!
Dimitri Thompson as Lionel "Leo" Messi

Lionel "Leo" Messi
Well, we turned it back to music entertainment and Janet Jackson (Dejanae Walker,7) was in Control. We were all ready to have a Good Time when she walked the runway dressed in black to take on Rhythm Nation.

Dejane Walker as Janet Jackson
Janet Jackson

As we change the scene back to sports, we are brought to the US Open Champion, Serena Williams (Karie Carter, 8). Serena came swinging her tennis racket and took time to say a few words before she started her training for Wimbledon. I wonder where her sister Venus was! Those William Sisters dominate this tennis game!
Kari Carter as Serena Williams

Serena Williams
While helping his team go a record 73-9, and starting the playoffs with Houston Rockets, Stephen Curry (C. J. Beavers, 8), decided to drop in again to say a few words. He said, be the best version of everything you do, you dont have to live anybody else's story. And on he went to slam dunk and shoot 3's against the Houton Rockets. He is living his own story.

C. J. Beavers as Stephen Curry

 Another Super Star athlete that is living or have lived his story is Michael Oher (Quondarrius Jarrett, 9). If you havent seen the movie, The Blind Side," please go rent it immeidately. There is definitely a story to tell about this unbelievable athelete who life was changed by the Thouy family who adopted him when he was a homeless teen in Memphis. Now this Caroline Panther Star and his teammate Cam Newton were this years Super Bowl teams. From a road of Homelessness to Super Bowl! 
Quondarris Jarrett as Michael Oher

Michael Oher
After their performance, the Super Stars danced the Uptown Funk with volunteer Karla Palafox, student at Northside.

Then they gathered together to sing, "WE SHALL OVERCOME," on the red carpet.

 Then, last but not least, the Super Stars were given Academy Awards, MVP Awards, Oscars, Grammy Awards or just basic Certificate of Appreciation for their participation in the event.

They were given Roses, sponsored by Wal-Mart, as a token of appreciation and humbly gave the roses to their parents for being the Super Star in their child's life.

We really do thank the parents, volunteers and sponsors for making this event a good one!

For More Pictures, Click HERE: 

Check out the sponsor blog Here:
Check out the 2015 Fayetteville Boys & Girls Club 1st Fashion Show Here:
Check out the 2016 BHM Showcase HERE
Check out the 2nd Annual Fayetteville Boys & Girls Club Showcase Here:

See you next year at the 2017 Super Star Showcase!!!

Super Star Volunteers:
Thanks to these people who were working behind the scenes to make this a success. They are definitely Super Stars!
Janine Jamison, Hazel Douglas, Chanelle Moore, Brandy Callier, Missy Womack, Cosaundra Chapple, Susan Anderson, Fatima, Karla Palafox, Janaia Wright, Leah James, Leslie Lelaind, Liz Jones, Serena Her, Terrell, and many others.

Super Star Sponsors
Thanks to these Sponsors who were involved in some way to make this Super Star Program a Dynamic Success. THANK YOU SO MUCH for your support and for allowing our youth to DREAM BIG! These Sponsors are definitely Super Stars!
Fort Smith Round Table
My Cloud Limo
Alfords Carpet One
UAFS-Phi Beta Lambda
Bigg Hoggs Restaurant
La Huerta Restaurant
Gyros Restaurant
Jimmy Johns
Second Time Around Consignment
Umoja Soul Fort Smith Team
 Northside High School JAG
Goodwin Mansions
Fort Smith Boys & Girls Club
Papa Johns Pizza
UAFS Lions
9th Street Church of Christ
Fort Smith Police Department
Windsor Library
Kimmons Jr High